Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Joe Lunch Bucket's Grandson

I am sure you all remember Joe Lunch Bucket, the back bone of our society. There is actually a picture of his Grandson, as he is almost five montths old today. His picture was in the New York Times, January 1, 2012, edition of the Business Section - certain to become a cult classic. For those who have not seen this classic cartoon by Thomas L. Fluharty the child is sitting on a stack of what appears to be government reports, smart phone in hand, briefcase and a scream so loud that it definitely caught my neighbor Peter Ray's attention as well as my own. The bubble over the babies head reads: "I just got here, But I know trouble when I see it! Honest to goodness an all time classic. Now this is one cartoonist that really gets it!

Joe Lunch Bucket's grandson looked Peter and I up recently in his quest for those who knew his grandfather. He has decided to take baby talk to a whole new level and found my neighbor Peter and I fascinated. Since we were well acquainted with his grandfather there was an instant kinship.

Now, I am speaking for him as this is the topic that drove him to find Peter and I. A settlement of approximately $2,000.00 for each homeowner that was screwed over by the banks, servicing companies, mortgage brokers and all of the other crooks and frauds tied up in the newest scam of cottage industries meant and designed with the purpose of seeing you get "f-----." They are perfectly set up to oust you from house and home whether it is legal or not. He demands imprisonment for all of them. My neighbor and I agree. Who entered this settlement anyway - was there no period for comment or was it done in the deep of night behind smoke filled rooms. He refuses to comment on the commentators from the various universities since they are in no way believable. He asked me to relay the following to those economist who would dare side on the part of the government: "Tell them to get a life - a real job and report back later." He told me to relay to you in no uncertain terms that he is really pissed. I for one can not blame him. It is repugnant and reprehensible that bankers won't go to prison. He wants to know, "Where the buck stops!" I tried to convey that no one person will take responsibility but you can count on the usual suspects as lawyers, bankers, servicing agents and politicians as the most likely culprits. Yes, I agree that the foreclosed home owner is going to agree to a meager $2,000.00 settlement. Since they have all moved into apartments what do they expect them to buy - no washers and dryers, and certainly no down payments on another home as their credit has been forever destroyed. Joe Lunch Bucket's grandson wanted to meet his grandfather but all of his grandfather's inherent losses - job and home, gave him a heart attack and he died before his grandson was born. His grandson said to pass this message along as well, - "If you do get that stupid chomp change of $2,000.00 sign it under protest and tell them it is only a pittance of what is still owed to them - SUE SUE SUE!" The nerve to think people can be bought off so cheaply. It is an embarrassment to all Americans! His grandson keeps screaming. Peter Ray and I do not believe he has said all he is going to say. But this was traumatizing enough in one day for all of us. Peter and I needed to go home and individually recharge.

Note: Joe Lunch Bucket's Grandson's opinions are not necessarily those exact opinions of the authors- however, close they may be.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Ray and Mary Elizabeth Bullock

Signing out Peter Ray and Mary Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Judge- being in the middle of the fraudclosure fight as an "accidental litigator" after hurricane Katrina wiped out our $3M real estate inv. and dev business I finally woke up as to how the system really worked. Despite having an MBA, I didn't have a clue until our backs were up against a wall. I think the key to helping Joe's grandson is to penetrate deep into the sales job done on the psyche of the American public and undo the sales job/ brainwashing " you're a deadbeat", propaganda. When a homeowner gets pissed and gets their head right then they can settle themselves to do battle with these animals. Have great respect for you and the battle you are fighting. I do believe good will come of it. If not, there is not much hope. thank you again . todd wetzelberger
